I have good experience with Group-office -
http://sourceforge.net/projects/group-office/ and SOGo -

Though you will need a MySQL backend for authentication.

On 31 August 2013 00:20, Tim Daneliuk <tun...@tundraware.com> wrote:

> SquirrelMail seems to be forever on hold because of an incompatibility
> with PHP 5.  So I am going to have to replace it as our Webmail
> interface.
> So, I'm looking for recommendation from the tribe here on what I
> should use instead:
> 1) Easy to use.  Mostly this gets used by people when they are away
>    from the office and then only occasionally.
> 2) It would be really nice if the program could import the
>    Thunderbird Address Book.
> 3) Easy to install and maintain.
> TIA,
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> ----------------
> Tim Daneliuk     tun...@tundraware.com
> PGP Key:         http://www.tundraware.com/PGP/
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