On Sat, 10 Aug 2013 09:58:07 GMT, r_oliva...@juno.com wrote:
> New to Free-BSD. Downloaded a current ISO image and burned it to a DVD.
> System boots from DVD to command line mode.

It should boot into a text mode installer. After installation,
FreeBSD usually boots into a text mode (depending on what has
been installed and configured already).

> Questions are: 
> A.) Is Xwindows, (X11) included on the DVD copy? 

If I remember correctly, the required packages are part
of the DVD #1. If you are already connected to the Internet,
you can use that "medium" as installation source.

Just a side note: PC-BSD, a system derived from FreeBSD,
offers a graphical installer and a more tight integration
with GUI-centric concepts (installs X automatically and
even brings a desktop environment preinstalled).

> B.) If included, what command is used to start it? 

It depends. If you want to start X from a regular login
shell, "startx" is used. But a display manager which
maintains a GUI login (like xdm) can also be used.

See the handbook for more details:


And don't miss the excellent FAQ:


> C.) What shell is installed as the standard shell in command line mode?

FreeBSD's default dialog shell is the C Shell (more precisely,
the tcsh). The command shell in single user mode (maintenance
mode) is a plain Bourne-alike shell (sh), which is also the
systems default scripting shell. You can install shells like
ksh, zsh and bash if you like.

> D.) Is there a site that I can download a complete copy of
> the documentation for Free-BSD, as one file and not a
> series/set of separate files?

Not that I know of, because the documentation on the web is
primarily for use with a web browser, that's why it's hierarchically
designed and separated. However, the documentation is part of
the FreeBSD installation, and you can generate PS and PDF "book",
as _one_ (voluminous) file, from them (even though I've never
tried that).

You can use a tool like wget to download a copy of the web
documentation for offline use (keeping the mentioned
separation). The web pages contain a "Split HTML" and
"Single HTML" option, so you could maybe simply save
this web page


for the FAQ, and


for The FreeBSD Handbook, but it might be unhandy for printing.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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