On Jul 23, 2013, at 8:10 PM, kpn...@pobox.com wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 03:54:57PM -0700, aurfalien wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've some what blindly followed a how to on installing FreeBSD 9.1 on a ZFS 
>> mirror.
>> My typing is horrid so I simply ssh'd to a live CD env and pasted line by 
>> line as per the how to found here;
>> http://wp.strahlert.net/wordpress/zfs-2/installing-freebsd-9-1-using-root-on-zfs-and-gpt-disks/
>> All is well, no issues with replacing disks, testing failures etc...
>> But seeing that my system drives are SSDs, I thought to perhaps add noatime, 
>> etc... to avoid slow downs common in excessive SSD usage.
>> However my fstab is only mounting swap partitions and I have no idea how my 
>> file system is being mounted :)
> That's typical for ZFS. Usually ZFS handles mounting filesystems ("datasets"
> in ZFS parlance) itself.

Thats actually really cool and powerful.

> Use the zfs command to see all the settings for individual datasets. For
> example:
> [kpn@gunsight1 ~]$ zfs get atime gs1p/usr
> gs1p/usr  atime     on     default
> To see the atime setting for all datasets use 'zfs get atime'.
> To see all settings replace 'atime' with 'all'.
> To change the setting use 'zfs set'.
> Settings are inherited by datasets mounted inside a dataset. To disable
> atime for all datasets you can set it to 'off' at the top dataset. Or you
> can set it for just some of your datasets, like maybe the one mounted at
> "/usr". You'll probably need atime enabled if you read mail on this machine.
> Also see 'zfs inherit'.

For sure, thanks for this.

>> Also, I would like to use tunefs in finding if I have TRIM enabled as I did 
>> load it via boot.conf
> Sorry, I can't help with that. Somebody else can chime in.

Wondering if I should query the dev list but don't wanna post rather mundane 
questions for them.

I can't seem to find the patch set to download.

- aurf
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