It should boot, although i havent run that configuration myself so cant say
for certain

have a look at gpart backup and restore for the labels, as you might as
well make them the same and expand any swap space across all four drives.
DOnt forget to install the bootloader as well

Alternatively you could just give the raw disks to zfs

On 15 July 2013 17:23, Scott Ballantyne <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have the current situation:
> sdb@gigawattmomma$ zpool status zroot
>         NAME           STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>         zroot          ONLINE       0     0     0
>           mirror-0     ONLINE       0     0     0
>             gpt/disk0  ONLINE       0     0     0
>             gpt/disk1  ONLINE       0     0     0
> I boot directly from this.
> This article from Oracle:
> implies I can add two more disks to the zroot pool with a
> zpool add zroot mirror disk2 disk3 to get
> zroot
>   mirror-0
>     gpt/disk0
>     gpt/disk1
>   mirror-1
>     gpt/disk2
>     gpt/disk3
> My questions:
> 1) Will booting still work? What do I need to do to make sure I can
> still boot up the system?
> Perhaps related:
> 2) How do I use gpart to prep these disks?
> The current mirror has the usual three partitions (freebsd-boot,
> freebsd-swap and freebsd-zfs), with boot code installed, obviously. Do
> I need to do that with the second mirror, or can I just use the whole
> thing for a freebsd-zfs filesystem?
> Sorry this was a bit long. Thanks in advance for any help.
> Best,
> Scott
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