On 2013, Jun 9, at 19:13, Gary Kline <kl...@thought.org> wrote:

>    can I put
>       freebsd on these tablet devices?

Personally, I don't see how another O.S. would work on the tablet devices.  
They don't have any of the hardware other O.S.'s assume (such as a keyboard), 
and they have such proprietary hardware.  The hardware is so "touch centric", 
than running a non-touch O.S. does not seem wise, but I could be wrong.

>  if I bought, say, WAR AND PIECE
>       or something out of copyright  { schopenhauer or marcus aurelius }
>       that is in text, how do I get it to whatever tablet I have?  
>       right now we've got cable and I use the telco for my server.
>       I know that works, but it is only good for my computer network.
>       but say I wanted to keep things simple and buy some kind of kindle
>       or nook.  how does amazon.com or bn.com get their new ebooks onto
>       my reader?

All of the tablet type devices I'm aware of can access the internet through 
WiFi, which allows them to download the various books.  Many of them now also 
have a 4g type cellular antenna which can be used (with a subscription for 
network access through your favorite telecom) to download your favorite book.

I admit I'm most familiar with putting books on Apple tablet devices.  PDFs or 
ePubs can be e-mailed to the device, which opens well in their reading app.  
The devices allow any text (including I suppose, plain text) on the screen to 
be "spoken" by the device.

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