On Jun 5, 2013, at 10:22 AM, Alex Liptsin wrote:

> Thanks a lot.
> Alex L.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 5 ביונ 2013, at 18:13, "John Baldwin" 
> <j...@freebsd.org<mailto:j...@freebsd.org>> wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 04, 2013 5:18:46 am Alex Liptsin wrote:
> I commented on that lines, because I want to compile and load that modules
> manually.
> I had succeed to compile and load mlx4, mlx4ib and mlxen from /sys/modules:
> [root@h-qa-033 mlxen]# kldstat
> Id Refs Address            Size     Name
> 1   14 0xffffffff80200000 13acbd8  kernel
> 2    1 0xffffffff81612000 21e5     if_mos.ko
> 3    3 0xffffffff81615000 124eb    mlx4.ko
> 4    1 0xffffffff81628000 e225     mlx4ib.ko
> 5    1 0xffffffff81637000 ec60     mlxen.ko
> The problem is that IPOIB module is missing in /sys/modules.
> 1.      Where can I find it?
> 2.      How can I compile ipoib support?
> You will have to create one.  You should be able to use the existing module
> Makefiles as a guide.

(Please don't cross-post multiple mailing lists)
        See also: https://github.com/yaneurabeya/freebsd/tree/ib-modules . Diff 
that branch and master to see what I've done so far to make the IB stuff into 
modules (example: 
 ). It's not perfect, but it's a start. Something that I've wanted to push into 
the Isilon IB branch for some time, but it's going to take a while before 
that's committed back to FreeBSD proper I think.
        Please credit me and add sponsored-by: EMC Isilon for the initial work 
if you push this elsewhere. Otherwise, it's all your's to play with :).
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