Hi to all,

First, I have ports tree all update:

root@casa:/root # date
Mon May 20 15:35:57 CEST 2013
root@casa:/root # portsnap fetch update
Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 6 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from ec2-eu-west-1.portsnap.FreeBSD.org... done.
Ports tree hasn't changed since last snapshot.
No updates needed.
Ports tree is already up to date.
root@casa:/root # date
Mon May 20 15:36:02 CEST 2013
root@casa:/root #

If I try to compile graphics/shotwell don't right:

root@casa:/usr/ports/graphics/shotwell # ls -lR
total 28
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2078 24 abr 20:10 Makefile
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   141 14 jul  2012 distinfo
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   512 20 mai 15:21 files/
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   629  6 nov  2012 pkg-descr
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  9673 17 mar 15:04 pkg-plist

total 28
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   3465 14 jul  2012 patch-Makefile
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  10926 14 jul  2012 patch-src-camera-CameraTable.vala
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   2015 14 jul  2012 patch-src-photos-GRaw.vala
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    516 14 jul  2012 patch-src__main.vala
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   2225 14 jul  2012 patch-vapi-libraw.vapi
root@casa:/usr/ports/graphics/shotwell # file *
Makefile:  ASCII text
distinfo:  ASCII text
files:     directory
pkg-descr: ASCII text
pkg-plist: ASCII text
root@casa:/usr/ports/graphics/shotwell # sha256 *
SHA256 (Makefile) = debdd0c8fc709f02cbe4f778200b2e07140eb7505afa584e46932ec336d1
SHA256 (distinfo) = 7f798cb45f23cb89969215b9441d82f7c4496f0d40f6748e03beba2a1180
SHA256 (files) = 864a5491419f7769951139971fdd1726a69a628570966fc213d85b6b3c21002
SHA256 (pkg-descr) = bdf56cdc2c2358477c5fc22f945cdad2d1260a78af596331f7239f0a890
SHA256 (pkg-plist) = 5caf2beae870121650493ca0782a20c6e39a07f164ef2586435c8c1d9da

root@casa:/usr/ports/graphics/shotwell # make
===>  License LGPL21 accepted by the user
===> Fetching all distfiles required by shotwell-0.11.6_3 for building
===>  Extracting for shotwell-0.11.6_3
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for shotwell-0.11.6.tar.bz2.
===>  Patching for shotwell-0.11.6_3
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for shotwell-0.11.6_3
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on package: vala>=0.12.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on executable: gmake - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on executable: update-desktop-database - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on executable: gtk-update-icon-cache - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/intltool-extract - foun
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: sqlite3 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: dbus-glib-1 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: gee - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: json-glib-1.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: soup-2.4 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: gexiv2 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: exif - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: gphoto2 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: webkitgtk-1.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: unique-1.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: raw - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: intl - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: glib-2.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: pcre - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: atk-1.0.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: gconf-2.4 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: gdk_pixbuf-2.0.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: gtk-x11-2.0.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: gsf-1.114 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: IDL-2.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: rsvg-2.2 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: xml2.5 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: ORBit-2.0 - found
===>   shotwell-0.11.6_3 depends on shared library: pango-1.0.0 - found
===>  Configuring for shotwell-0.11.6_3
Configured.  Type 'make' to build, 'make install' to install.
===>  Building for shotwell-0.11.6_3
valac -c -g --enable-checking --thread --fatal-warnings   --vapidir=plugins/ -X
-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE='"shotwell"' -X -I. --pkg=gobject-2.0 --pkg=glib-2.0 --pkg=gdk
-2.0 --pkg=gtk+-2.0 --includedir=plugins --vapi=plugins/shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0.
vapi --header=plugins/shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0.h src/plugins/SpitInterfaces.vala
src/plugins/TransitionsInterfaces.vala src/plugins/PublishingInterfaces.vala
gtk+-2.0.vapi:5802.40-5802.42: warning: Gtk is deprecated. Use gtk+-3.0
Compilation failed: 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
gmake: *** [plugins/shotwell-plugin-dev-1.0.vapi] Error 1
*** [do-build] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/graphics/shotwell.
root@casa:/usr/ports/graphics/shotwell #

Can yours help me to debug the problem ?

Thanks, see you.
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