I bought one of these things awhile ago:


So far, it seems to be working just peachy, but I have yet to do anything
the least bit adventurous with it, such as trying to either insert a drive
into it or remove a drive from it while the system is powered on (and
running FreeBSD).

I just now tried to read up a little bit on all of this ACPI stuff, but
my eyes are starting to glaze over.  So if someone would answer these
simple and obvious questions, I'd appreciate it:

1)  Given a system running FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE, is anything bad gonna
happen if I insert a drive into this thing while the system is running?
Will I be able to mount partitions contained on the drive in question
after I do so?

2)  Given a system running FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE, is anything bad gonna 
happen if I remove a drive from this thing while the system is running,
assuming that I have already properly umounted all relevant partitions

3)  Assuming that I want to do this stuff, what BIOS options should I
be setting or unsetting on the motherboard?

Please excuse my ignorance, but I've never done this stuff before.

P.S.  I am _not_ using ZFS.

P.P.S.  Motherboard is ASRock N68C-GS FX.
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