Excerpt from Rich Kulawiec <r...@gsp.org>:

> 3. Note that Mailman, as part of that same mechanism, allows list-owners
> to add non-subscribers to a list of those permitted to send traffic to
> the list without approval.  This feature is probably more often used to
> allow traffic from alternative addresses for subscribers, e.g., someone
> is subscribed as f...@example.com but sends occasionally from 
> f...@example.net.
> But it can just as easily be used for non-subscribers if the list-owners
> so choose.

I sometimes send using a different SMTP server, which may happen since my 
@bellsouth.net addresses are from my former ISP, AT&T/Yahoo!, but still good 
under Yahoo!

So I might send either from the AT&T/Yahoo! SMTP server or from insightbb.com 
server, and Insight Cable (insightbb.com) customers will be migrated in the 
next month to Time Warner Cable, and email addresses will be in twc.com domain. 
 But I use the same From: address.

I switched my email address on this list because Insight Cable, but I believe 
not Time Warner Cable, uses synacor.com for spam filtering, and messages are 
deleted when synacor.com's software flags it as spam, and there were false 
positives resulting in bounced messages.  Insight Cable customers never see the 
spam-filtered-out messages, and have no way to mitigate those filters.

On sending CC to other participants in a thread, sometimes that can be too 
many, and I might consider it redundant to send CC to a list regular.

Once, because of sending CC to other thread participants, I was sending to six 
email addresses, and the message was held for moderator approval because of 
being sent to so many recipients: a frequent characteristic of spam.  But my 
message was approved when the moderator saw it was legit, on topic.


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