On 05/12/2013 12:37 AM, Leslie Jensen wrote:
> I do some work on remote machines and sometimes I have a need to execute
> additional commands after for example a portmaster -a command.
> Normally I use the "&&" to separate commands but this does not work when
> portmaster displays pkg-messages.
> I cannot see in the portmaster manpage that there's a possibility to
> make the choice on displaying pkg-messages.
> Maybe a suggestion to further enhance portmaster in the future.
> To work around this I was thinking of maybe making a script that ran
> portmaster -a then a command to "press space" until one is sure that all
> messages has been displayed.
> On this I could need some help. My scripting skills are not that good.

To avoid interaction when scripting or logging portmaster, in addition
to the --no-confirm option, I usually set the following environment
variables prior to invocation:


The former should avoid any build-time port interaction (and mark the
port BROKEN if it must, so I can deal with it manually); the latter
causes portmaster to use 'cat' instead of 'more' to display the
pkg-messages afterwards.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting

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