On 29/04/2013 19:33, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> I'm a longtime Debian user who is trying out FreeBSD, so very much a
> newbie here.
> I wanted to get spectrwm-2.2.0 which I found on www.freshports.org.
> After a lot of googling I tried first cvsup and then svn, using the
> command
> svn co svn://svn.freshports.org/x11-wm/spectrwm
> but it keeps timing out wo I think I must have misunderstood something.
> Any advice please? Is there some other way to get ports from
> freshports.org?

Freshports just shows information about the status and history of
various ports.  It is not itself a package repository or a source code

If you want to check out just one port like that (which won't actually
be a lot of use on it's own -- usually it's best to download the whole
ports tree) then read these sections of the handbook:


and your command would be something like:

  svn co https://svn0.us-east.FreeBSD.org/ports/head/x11-wm/spectrwm \

us-east is generally the best choice of SVN mirror for people in Europe
at the moment.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.

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