2013-04-24 13:21, Arthur Chance skrev:
On 04/24/13 11:55, Bernt Hansson wrote:
2013-04-24 12:30, Arthur Chance skrev:
On 04/24/13 09:18, Bernt Hansson wrote:
Hello list!

I have set up a diskless machine with 8.3-stable and i as a user can
in, but when I try to log in as root it won't work. How to resolv that
issue. I have tried with and without password but the computer said no.

How did it say no? What does the entry for root in /etc/passwd say?


root:*:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/csh

That's not logging in directly as root, that's using su as a normal
user. Only members of wheel group can use su. Try logging in directly on
the console as root. That should work unless you've marked the console
as insecure or have an "impossible" password in /etc/master.passwd.

I am a member of the wheel group.

In the long run you need to add your normal user to wheel group so you
can use su. Can you edit the diskless machine's /etc/group from the
server that's supplying its disk(s)? In the days when I ran diskless
systems I usually found it easier to work on the diskless systems'
config files via the server.

I have tried and my own password is easily changed via the server.

if i try, on the diskless,

Login: root
Password: password or none

Login incorrect
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