Hi Terje !
sorry for late reply, I've been checking my mail, forgetting that all my
mailing list mail are sorted into their own folders skipping inbox :p

the zfs sync setup is a huge advantage over rsync simply because
incremental rsync of the volume takes ~12 hours, while the zfs differential
snapshot's usually take less than a minute . Though it's only ~1TB of data,
it's  more than 2 million jpegs which rsync have to stat ...
I'm guessing my predecessor who chose this setup, over for instance HAST,
didn't feel confident enough regarding HAST in production ( I'm looking
into that for a future solution) .

There's no legacy stuff on the receiving end, old pools are deleted for
every sync. I haven't got my script here but google pointed me too
https://github.com/hoopty/zfs-sync/blob/master/zfs-sync which look like a
script very similar to the one I'm using .
In fact, I'm gonna take a closer look at that script and see what differs
from my script (apart from it being much prettier :p )
I didn't know about zpool.cache, gonna check that tomorrow, thanks.

Homepage: http://cosmicb.no
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On 2 April 2013 14:40, Terje Elde <te...@elde.net> wrote:

> On 2. apr. 2013, at 13.44, Joar Jegleim wrote:
> > So my question(s) to the list would be:
> > In my setup have I taken the use case for zfs send / receive too far
> > (?) as in, it's not meant for this kind of syncing and this often, so
> > there's actually nothing 'wrong'.
> I'm not sure if you've taken it too far, but I'm not entirely sure if
> you're getting any advantage over using rsync or similar for this kind of
> thing.
> First two things that spring to mind:
> Do you have any legacy stuff on the receiving machine?  Things like
> physically removed old zpools, that are still in zpool.cache, seems to slow
> down various operations, including creation of new stuffs (such as the
> snapshots you receive).
> Also, you don't mention if you're deleting old snapshots on the receiving
> end?  If you're doing an incremental run every 15 minutes, that's something
> like 3000 snapshots pr. month, pr. filesystem.
> Terje
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