On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 04:04:23PM -0400, Lowell Gilbert typed:
> Oscar Hodgson <oscar.hodg...@gmail.com> writes:
> > I'm pretty sure the answer is "no, just write a local rc script to do
> > that", but thought I'd check.
> >
> > Can't see any hint of that capability in the handbook or fstab(5).
> >
> > Really just looking for a single point of management for file systems ....
> I don't see a way offhand. You need to do the mdconfig before you can
> mount, and I don't think that can be done inside of fstab. 
> I think that adding such a capability to mount(8) as a program option
> would be a fairly minor hack.

If it was a standard (UFS) filesystem image (not ISO9600) it would be possible 
to mount from fstab with something like this:

/dev/md0 /data/mfs mfs rw,-PF/path/to/some.img,async 0 0


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