On 02/25/2013 03:13 PM, Paul Kraus wrote:
On Feb 24, 2013, at 4:42 AM, bw.mail.lists <bw.mail.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
Basically, I tried to follow
https://wiki.freebsd.org/RootOnZFS/GPTZFSBoot/9.0-RELEASE, but ended up with a
system that didn't know how to mount /.
There are two scripts attached.
I did not see any attachments.
Mail list got rid of them, I didn't know it will do that. Appended
inline at the end of this mail. Stuff will probably get wrapped, but at
least it's there.
The main difference I see between those two scripts is that one doesn't use a
cache file and the other one does, hence the name of the scripts. But it should
work without cachefile too, shouldn't it? The other difference is how
mountpoints are set, but I can't figure out what could be wrong there.
I am guessing without seeing the scripts, but I assume the cache you refer to is
the /boot/zfs/zpool.cahce file. This file instructs the kernel which zpools to import at
boot time. If this file is missing or damaged the kernel cannot import any zpools. So you
MUST have a valid zpool.cache file in order to import the zpool containing the
"/" zfs dataset
That was my understanding, too, but the instructions on the wiki say
there's no need to copy the cache file. In fact, there is no cache file
to copy, since the pool is created with
zpool create -o altroot=/mnt -O canmount=off zroot mirror /dev/gpt/g0zfs
No cache file. The wiki article was changed recently to eliminate that
part, the message on the wiki is: "Fix so that the default instructions
does not install data directly to the zroot pool. Simplify instructions
regarding cache files, they are no longer needed. Fixes and cleanups."
Either the instructions are wrong, or something in my script is. I
assume it's my script.
Paul Kraus
Deputy Technical Director, LoneStarCon 3
Sound Coordinator, Schenectady Light Opera Company
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"
echo "will use pool zroot, made up of disks $DISK0 and DISK1"
echo "Creating partitions..."
echo " $DISK0"
gpart create -s gpt $DISK0
gpart add -s 122 -t freebsd-boot -l g0boot $DISK0
gpart add -s 4G -t freebsd-swap -l g0swap $DISK0
gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -l g0zfs $DISK0
gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 $DISK0
echo " $DISK1"
gpart create -s gpt $DISK1
gpart add -s 122 -t freebsd-boot -l g1boot $DISK1
gpart add -s 4G -t freebsd-swap -l g1swap $DISK1
gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -l g1zfs $DISK1
gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 $DISK1
echo "Loading kernel modules..."
kldload opensolaris
kldload zfs
kldload geom_mirror
echo "done"
echo 'Setting swap as mirror...'
gmirror label gswap /dev/gpt/g0swap /dev/gpt/g1swap
echo 'done'
echo "Creating zroot..."
zpool create -o altroot=/mnt -O canmount=off zroot mirror /dev/gpt/g0zfs
echo "done"
echo "Creating filesystems..."
echo " checksum"
zfs set checksum=fletcher4 zroot
echo ' /'
zfs create -o mountpoint=/
echo ' /tmp'
zfs create -o compression=off -o exec=on -o setuid=off
chmod 1777 /mnt/tmp
echo ' /usr'
zfs create
zfs create
zfs create -o compression=off -o setuid=off
zfs create -o compression=off -o exec=off -o setuid=off
zfs create -o compression=off -o exec=off -o setuid=off
zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=off -o setuid=off
zfs create
echo ' /var'
zfs create
zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=off -o setuid=off
zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off
zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=on -o setuid=off
zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off
zfs create -o compression=lzjb -o exec=off -o setuid=off
zfs create -o compression=gzip -o exec=off -o setuid=off
zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off
zfs create -o compression=off -o exec=on -o setuid=off
chmod 1777 /mnt/var/tmp
echo ' /home'
zfs create -o setuid=off
echo 'done'
echo 'Installing FreeBSD'
cd /usr/freebsd-dist
export DESTDIR=/mnt
for file in base.txz lib32.txz kernel.txz doc.txz ports.txz src.txz;
do (cat $file | tar --unlink -xpJf - -C ${DESTDIR:-/}); done
echo 'done'
echo 'Setting up the new system'
echo ' loader.conf'
echo 'zfs_load="YES"' >> /mnt/boot/loader.conf
echo 'geom_mirror_load="YES"' >> /mnt/boot/loader.conf
echo ' rc.conf'
echo 'zfs_enable="YES"' >> /mnt/etc/rc.conf
echo 'hostanme="hostname.domain.org"' >> /mnt/etc/rc.conf
echo 'ifconfig_bce0="inet netmask"' >>
echo 'defaultrouter=""' >> /mnt/etc/rc.conf
echo 'sshd_enable="YES"' >> /mnt/etc/rc.conf
echo ' periodic.conf'
echo 'daily_status_gmirror="YES"' >> /mnt/etc/periodic.conf
echo ' fstab'
echo '# Device Mountpoint FStype Opts Dump Pass#'
>> /mnt/etc/fstab
echo '/dev/mirror/gswap none swap sw 0 0' >>
echo 'done'
echo 'Setting mountpoints on zroot'
zfs unmount -a
zpool set bootfs=zroot/ROOT zroot
zfs set mountpoint=/ zroot/ROOT
zfs set mountpoint=/zroot zroot
zfs set mountpoint=/tmp zroot/tmp
zfs set mountpoint=/usr zroot/usr
zfs set mountpoint=/var zroot/var
zfs set mountpoint=/home zroot/home
zfs set readonly=on zroot/var/empty
echo 'done'
echo 'exporting the pool'
zpool export zroot
echo 'all done, can reboot.'
echo "will use pool zroot, made up of disks $DISK0 and DISK1"
echo "Creating partitions..."
echo " $DISK0"
gpart create -s gpt $DISK0
gpart add -b 34 -s 64k -t freebsd-boot -l g0boot $DISK0
gpart add -s 4G -a 4k -t freebsd-swap -l g0swap $DISK0
gpart add -a 4k -t freebsd-zfs -l g0zfs $DISK0
gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 $DISK0
echo " $DISK1"
gpart create -s gpt $DISK1
gpart add -b 34 -s 64k -t freebsd-boot -l g1boot $DISK1
gpart add -s 4G -a 4k -t freebsd-swap -l g1swap $DISK1
gpart add -a 4k -t freebsd-zfs -l g1zfs $DISK1
gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 $DISK1
echo "Loadin kernel modules..."
kldload opensolaris
kldload zfs
kldload geom_mirror
echo "done"
echo 'Setting swap as mirror...'
gmirror label gswap /dev/gpt/g0swap /dev/gpt/g1swap
echo 'done'
echo "Creating $POOL..."
zpool create -o altroot=/mnt -o cachefile=/var/tmp/zpool.cache zroot
mirror /dev/gpt/g0zfs /dev/gpt/g1zfs
echo "done"
echo "Creating fielsystems"
zfs create -o setuid=off zroot/tmp
chmod 1777 /mnt/tmp
zfs create zroot/usr
zfs create zroot/usr/home
cd /mnt
ln -s usr/home home
cd -
zfs create zroot/usr/local
sleep 5
zfs create -o compression=on -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/usr/src
zfs create zroot/var
zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/var/backups
zfs create -o compression=on -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/var/crash
zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/var/db
zfs create -o compression=on -o exec=on -o setuid=off zroot/var/db/pkg
zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/var/empty
zfs create -o compression=on -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/var/log
zfs create -o compression=on -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/var/mail
zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/var/run
zfs create -o setuid=off zroot/var/tmp
chmod 1777 /mnt/var/tmp
zfs create -o setuid=off zroot/usr/ports
zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/usr/ports/distfiles
zfs create -o exec=off -o setuid=off zroot/usr/ports/packages
echo "done"
echo "Making zfs bootable, hopefully"
zpool set bootfs=zroot zroot
mkdir -p /mnt/boot/zfs
cp -p /var/tmp/zpool.cache /mnt/boot/zfs/zpool.cache
echo "done?"
echo 'Installing FreeBSD'
cd /usr/freebsd-dist
export DESTDIR=/mnt
for file in base.txz lib32.txz kernel.txz doc.txz ports.txz src.txz;
do (cat $file | tar --unlink -xpJf - -C ${DESTDIR:-/}); done
echo 'done'
echo 'Setting up the new system'
echo ' loader.conf'
echo 'zfs_load="YES"' >> /mnt/boot/loader.conf
echo 'geom_mirror_load="YES"' >> /mnt/boot/loader.conf
echo 'vfs.root.mountfrom="zfs:zroot"' >> /mnt/boot/loader.conf
echo ' rc.conf'
echo 'zfs_enable="YES"' >> /mnt/etc/rc.conf
echo 'hostanme="hostname.domain.org"' >> /mnt/etc/rc.conf
echo 'ifconfig_bce0="inet netmask"' >>
echo 'defaultrouter=""' >> /mnt/etc/rc.conf
echo 'sshd_enable="YES"' >> /mnt/etc/rc.conf
echo ' periodic.conf'
echo 'daily_status_gmirror="YES"' >> /mnt/etc/periodic.conf
echo ' fstab'
echo '# Device Mountpoint FStype Opts Dump Pass#'
>> /mnt/etc/fstab
echo '/dev/mirror/gswap none swap sw 0 0' >>
echo 'done'
echo 'Make sure empty stays empty'
zfs set readonly=on zroot/var/empty
echo 'done'
echo 'all done, can reboot: shutdown -r now'
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