El día Wednesday, February 20, 2013 a las 03:03:21PM +0000, Anton Shterenlikht 

>       The class B network to is not routed in
>       Internet (see RFC1918). This is a so called "private addr" you get from
>       your Access Point. It is hided by the AP (or by some other router more
>       far away) behind a real IP addr. You can check what this addr is by
>       going to the page http://myip.nl/
>       And you can not SSH to the addr shown there, at least normally it would 
> not
>       be NAT'ed to your addr you got by DHCP.
>       No way.
> fuck.. This is the first thing I should've checked.
> Sorry for wasting everybody's time.
> The irony is that I know very little about
> networking, but the three private IP ranges
> is something I actually knew about.
> Thanks
> Anton
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And why you Cc freebsd-ports, when the thread was in freebsd-questions?


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