I could be completely off mark here, but does that external drive have
eSata too ?
Your problem resembles a lot something I struggled with a while ago.
I'd bought an external hd case + a 3TB drive for my girlfriend , the
external hd case supported eSATA and usb .

I had a lot of problems when connecting that 3TB drive to my laptop
via usb (I didn't have eSATA), the drive showed up as only 2TB .
It turned out that the external drive case required to be connected
via eSATA for +2TB drives, the manual said so, I had only forgotten
about that .

Via eSATA the drive was recognized as 3TB, I think the 'problem' was
OS agnostic, since the same happened on my girlfriends mac.

Joar Jegleim

On 14 February 2013 12:16, Scott Bennett <benn...@cs.niu.edu> wrote:
>      I recently bought a 3 TB external hard drive.  I attached it to the
> Firewire (400) bus and waited for my 8.2-STABLE i386 system to recognize it.
> After a small flurry of Firewire protocol messages, the kernel eventually
> said,
> Feb 12 23:35:42 hellas kernel: da2 at sbp0 bus 0 scbus0 target 1 lun 0
> Feb 12 23:35:42 hellas kernel: da2: <Initio INIC-1615P 0101> Fixed Direct 
> Access SCSI-0 device
> Feb 12 23:35:42 hellas kernel: da2: 50.000MB/s transfers
> Feb 12 23:35:42 hellas kernel: da2: 2861588MB (5860533167 512 byte sectors: 
> 255H
>  63S/T 364801C)
> So far, so good, I thought.
>      Next I tried to use gpart(8) to set up a partition table.  However,
> gpart, gpte (from sysutils/gpte), diskinfo(8), et al. only see the device
> as a 2 TB drive.
> hellas# diskinfo -v /dev/da2
> /dev/da2
>         512             # sectorsize
>         2199023253504   # mediasize in bytes (2T)
>         4294967292      # mediasize in sectors
>         0               # stripesize
>         0               # stripeoffset
>         267349          # Cylinders according to firmware.
>         255             # Heads according to firmware.
>         63              # Sectors according to firmware.
>                         # Disk ident.
> hellas#
>      I have searched the archives of this list and several others, but
> haven't found anything helpful.  This disk is *not* intended as a boot
> disk, just data storage.  Is there any hope of using its full capacity?
> Or have I effectively bought an overpriced 2 TB drive?
>      Please Cc: me directly in any replies because I am subscribed to
> the digest form of this list and would like to see responses without
> having to wait up to 24 hours. :-)  Thanks in advance for any help!
>                                   Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
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