I suspect it's less effort to use Thunar and instead of scrolling, as I did before (when I missed some wrong owners), to switch sorting by owner between ascending and descending, to ensure not to miss a bad owner again.

I'm surprised, there's no /bin/sh for the backup:


# find /usr/TMP4DIFF/bin -ls | sed -e 's%/dir%%g' | awk '{print $5" "$11" "$12" "$13}' > bin.TMP.txt # find /bin -ls | sed -e 's%/dir%%g' | awk '{print $5" "$11" "$12" "$13}'
# diff bin.TMP.txt bin.BSD.txt > bin.DIF.txt
# grep rocketmouse bin.DIF.txt
rocketmouse /bin/sh
# ls -ld /bin/sh
-r-xr-xr-x  1 rocketmouse  wheel  142952 Dec 23 18:38 /bin/sh
# ls -ld /usr/TMP4DIFF/bin/sh
ls: /usr/TMP4DIFF/bin/sh: No such file or directory


[snip ... no differences]

I anyway will unpack /usr too and take a look at the directories from the backup. I won't bother you with each detail, but report a list of differences, if there should be something very strange.


Sent from my PC while wearing my Relox watch and Iccug handback.
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