Hi :)

perhaps good news for me.

That's strange. Now user and group are kept for the mount point of the ext3 fs. Can I assume that this usually should work and that I just had bad luck, when permissions, user and group were automatically changed?

root@freebsd:/mnt # ls -l
drwxrwx---  21 1000  1000   4096 Oct 28 19:11 archlinux
drwxrwxrwx   2 root  wheel  4096 Jan 22 07:09 dump

root@freebsd:/mnt # chown rocketmouse:wheel archlinux

root@freebsd:/mnt # ls -l
drwxrwx---  21 rocketmouse  wheel  4096 Oct 28 19:11 archlinux
drwxrwxrwx   2 root         wheel  4096 Jan 22 07:09 dump

root@freebsd:/mnt # shutdown -r now

root@freebsd:/mnt # ls -l
drwxrwx---  21 rocketmouse  wheel  4096 Oct 28 19:11 archlinux
drwxrwxrwx   2 root         wheel  4096 Jan 22 07:09 dump

Before I continue with setting up Evolution, I'll take care about it for a few shutdowns and startups.

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