09.01.2013 02:57, Antonio Olivares:
Dear folks,

I am having difficulties with java on my machine I have the java
openjdk6 and the iced-teaweb ports installed.  As the old diablo jdk
has been depracated and has been recommended to remove, I have done
this, I cannot open *.jnlp files on my machine.  I have changed the
/usr/local/bin/javaws to the replacement /usr/local/bin/itweb-javaws,
and I have tried to do what is recommended.  On three of four machines
I have deleted the diablo jdk, but I want to use at lease one  FreeBSD
box and there I have not removed it till I solve this issue.

$ itweb-javaws jviewer.jnlp
Error: could not find libjava.so
Error: could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment.

E-213-3W# pkg_version "<" | grep 'openjdk'
bootstrap-openjdk                   =
openjdk6                            =
E-213-3W# pkg_version "<" | grep 'icedtea-web'
icedtea-web                         =

Should I install openjdk7 and iced-teaweb ports?
How can I get java to open the *.jnlp files as the old javaws did correctly?

Please share ideas and suggestions.


Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
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