On 31/12/2012 10:15, Ashkan Rahmani wrote:
> I really want to migrate to FreeBSD for daily usages, Bu my main issue is
> my
> vga card on my notebook, this is optimus.
> any body knows is it supported in this new release?

That's an nVidia card.  The FreeBSD version is pretty much irrelevant
here.  What you need to ask "is my nVidia card supported by the
x11/nvidia-driver port, or failing that the built-in Xorg nv driver?"

If you want 3-D acceleration and all that stuff, then you'll need the

Check the "supported products" tab on this page:


If your video card isn't there, or you can't recognise it from the part
number, then I'm afraid you're out of luck[*].  Your best resource there
is to ask on one of the nVidia forums.



[*] There are other drivers available for various legacy cards: finding
information about these is left as an exercise for the student.

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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