
> Rules from pf.conf
> --------------------------------------------
> # macros
> ext_if="xl0"
> int_if="bge0"
> tcp_services="{ 22, 993, 5910:5917 }"
> tcp_priv_services="{ 389, 443 }"
> proxy_services = "{ 21, 80 }"
> icmp_types="{ echoreq unreach squench timex }"
> internal_net = ""
> proxy = ""
> proxyport="8021"
No whitespace here

> # tables
> table <goodguys> persist
> table <sshguard> persist
> # options
> set block-policy return     # ports are closed but can be seen
> set loginterface $ext_if
> set skip on lo0
> # scrub
> scrub in
> rdr pass proto tcp from any to any port ftp -> port 8021
> # redirect www trafic to proxy
> rdr on $int_if inet proto tcp from $internal_net to any port
> $proxy_services -> $proxy port 8080
Whitespace here. Maybe that's the issue here?

> # ext_if IP address could be dynamic, hence ($ext_if)
> nat on $ext_if from !($ext_if) to any -> ($ext_if)

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