On Nov 27, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Greg Larkin <glar...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/27/12 4:36 AM, Damien Fleuriot wrote:
>> On 26 November 2012 21:15, jb <jb.1234a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Tim Daneliuk <tundra <at> tundraware.com> writes:
>>>> ... One wonders if using svn to keep the ports tree up-to-date
>>>> might not be simpler, and perhaps, more reliable ...
>>> As managed by portsnap: $ du -hs /usr/ports/ 850M    /usr/ports/
>>> As managed by svn (it took much longer to checkout/download it by
>>> comparison): $ du -hs /usr/local/ports/ 1.4G
>>> /usr/local/ports/ $ du -hs /usr/local/ports/.svn/ 702M
>>> /usr/local/ports/.svn/
>>> One thing about svn is that it is a developer's tool, with its
>>> own commands set (that should never be mixed with UNIX commands
>>> w/r to dir/file manipulation), and that should not be expected to
>>> be learned by non-devs.
>>> For that reasons alone the portsnap-managed ports repo is more
>>> generic, flexible to be handled by user and add-on
>>> apps/utilities, looks like more efficient without that svn
>>> overhead resulting from its requirements and characteristics as a
>>> source control system.
>>> But, svn offers to a user a unique view into ports repo, e.g.
>>> history, logs, info, attributes, etc.
>>> jb
>> While we're on the binary vs SVN topic, I'd like to point out I'm 
>> *actually running out of inodes* on a virtualized machine (we use 
>> these a lot for our dev and preproduction environments) with 5gb
>> of space, when checking out the ports tree.
>> Of course 5gb is quite small but then, this was installed a while
>> back.
>> The transition to SVN means I'm going to have to reinstall these
>> firewalls. There are a lot of them it's going to be a major pain.
>> idk, I'm loathe to use portsnap, I liked CSup just fine.
> Unless you plan to use svn commands other than checkout in your ports
> tree, I would suggest switching to "svn export" or perhaps the
> svn-export script (http://xyne.archlinux.ca/projects/svn-export/) to
> fetch your ports tree.
> The export command will not create the .svn metadata directory and
> will save on inode usage.  Of course, you could also create a new
> virtual disk for /usr/ports and tune it with more inodes if you'd
> rather use svn checkout.
> Hope that helps,
> Greg
> - -- 
> Greg Larkin

Well I definitely don't plan on making changes to local files or committing 
stuff, I'd just like to keep an updated ports tree and switch from CVS to SVN.

I guess I'll have a look at svn export, thanks for the tip Greg.

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