On 23/11/2012 20:36, Walter Hurry wrote:
> Poudriere though: I read somewhere that ZFS is a prerequisite. Is that 
> so? 

Yes.  poudriere uses the cloning and snapshotting abilities of ZFS as a
fundamental part of the way it works.  You can use tinderbox instead if
you only have conventional filesystems, but that isn't so easy to use as

> Second question: At the moment I'm using 'pkg create' to generate 
> packages from conventionally built ports, 'pkg repo' to create/update the 
> tarred repo file, and a tiny Python script for HTTP serving. Am I missing 
> out on some functionality?

Convenience mostly.  Basically what the package building software does
is take the repetitive chore of typing 'make buildpackage' over and over
again, and automates it.

Pkg repos built 'by hand' have exactly the functionality as those built
using poudriere.  You only need a very basic webserver to publish the
packages, or you can just use a file:// URL and no HTTP server at all if
you're creating packages to be used on the same machine.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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