On 11/22/12 07:34, David Demelier wrote:
> I mean right click on the youtube image, open the flash properties and
> untick the hardware acceleration setting :-)

Thanks, that did the trick.

> 2012/11/22 David Demelier <demelier.da...@gmail.com>
>> Do you have a nvidia card ?
>> If yes right click on the youtube image and disable hardware acceleration,
>> it will probably solve it (solved for me)
>> 2012/11/21 Gary Aitken <free...@dreamchaser.org>
>>> After doing a number of port upgrades to try to get firefox 16 to play
>>> youtube audio again (still doesn't), I now see that when I put an xterm
>>> window over a particular portion of the display, the black areas on the
>>> xterm are transparent, and are showing a portion of a youtube page
>>> which is no longer playing but which is still open on either a visible
>>> or a non-visible (i.e. not the current) tab.
>>> The image is from the end of the following page:
>>>    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHuYmhY-5-g
>>> and the video content is
>>>    https://s.ytimg.com/yts/swfbin/watch_as3-vfl1ubMZd.swf
>>> Anyone else seeing this problem?
>>> Hmm... this is weird.  If I iconify everything except a couple of
>>> xterms, xwininfo clicked on the region where the image *was*, which now
>>> has only the wm (xfce4) background, the xwininfo gives the window id
>>> for the background.
>>> This is particularly noticeable in the xfce terminal emulator, 0.4.8,
>>> as it comes up with an entirely black background.
>>> Gimp, firefox and thunderbird windows don't have the problem, nor does the
>>> wm header.
>>> I'm guessing this is a result of using the XVideo extension, and not using
>>> opengl in the wm, or something like that, based on this article:
>>>    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_video_extension
>>> Can anyone shed some light on this and how to prevent it?
>>> p.s.  I can't seem to find how to tell what options a port is installed
>>> with, and what the defaults are.  I know it's there somewhere...

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