2012/11/19 Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com>:
> On Mon, 19 Nov 2012, Snow Mountains wrote:
>> 2012/11/18 Shane Ambler <free...@shaneware.biz>:
>>> On 18/11/2012 06:49, Snow Mountains wrote:
>>>> Could you recommend a reliable document on how to do a correct block
>>>> alignment for new FreeBSD 9 install? FreeBSD Handbook doesn't
>>>> mention this at all, although I can find a lot of (not quite
>>>> consistent) advises on the net on how to do it with gpart/newfs.
>>> Over the last week there has been a discussion with the subject
>>> "Advanced Format Drive ?" on this list that has been discussing that.
>>> If you only just signed up then you can search for it in the mail
>>> archives.
>> There is a lot of useful info there, and I also found a lot of useful
>> tips from Warren Block on how to create swap as a file, how to use
>> tmpfs, about noatime etc.
> I didn't say anything about noatime, and personally have not done that on
> SSDs.
>> However, nowhere I can found anything that
>> could explain me for sure how to do this BEFORE that:
>> I've got 240G Kingston SSD. I want this:
>> win7:
>>  ada2s1 ~ 30G empty (probably for experimental little win7 install in
>> the future)
>> freebsd9:
>>  ada2s2a ~3G for /
>>  ada2s2d ~80G the for /usr (separated for easier backup)
>>  ada2s2f ~ the rest for storage
>> How to do this with gpart, respecting 4g alignment etc? Can anybody
>> share the exact commands to achieve this?
> That's "4K".
> Most of the following is shown in the new Handbook gmirror section:
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/geom-mirror.html
> Create the MBR partitioning scheme:
> # gpart create -s mbr ada2
> Add MBR bootcode:
> # gpart bootcode -b /boot/mbr ada2
> Add the Windows 7 partition, forcing it to start at block 2048 because "-a"
> is not going to do what is expected for slices because of decades-old CHS
> stuff:
> # gpart add -t ntfs -b 2048 -s 30g ada2
> Create the FreeBSD slice:
> # gpart create -s bsd ada2s1
> Set this slice active and add FreeBSD bootcode:
> # gpart set -a active -i 1 ada2s1

Warren, great, thank you!

Just one small problem. Here I got this:

# gpart create -s bsd ada2s1
gpart: geom 'ada2s1': File exists
# gpart set -a active -i 1 ada2s1
gpart: index '1': No such file or directory

Expected? Anyway, is it any way to but FreeBSD on something like s2?

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