On 10/21/12 18:36, Matthew Seaman wrote:
On 21/10/2012 18:10, Arthur Chance wrote:
Now that portmaster officially supports pkgng I've converted to using
it. Is there any reason to keep the old pkg_* programs around, or can I
delete them and add WITHOUT_PKGTOOLS to my /etc/src.conf? I'm running
RELEASE-9.0 on amd64 and will update to REL-9.1 as soon as it arrives if
that matters.

There is no particularly good reason to keep pkg_tools around once
you've made the switch to pkgng.  pkgng should provide replacements for
all the pkg_tool functionality and slot into its place quite smoothly.

However, I'm not sure that there's been adequate testing on a
pkg_tools-free setup, so it is not entirely outside the bounds of
possibility that you might run into some odd problems.  If you do,
please report what happens, as that's definitely a bug that needs fixing.

Will do. Thanks to all who worked on pkgng.

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