On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 10:09 AM, s m <sam.gh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks saeedeh
> OK i try to explain what i have done more in detail.
> i want to restore unencrypted dump files on an encrypted file system.
> in order to do that, i encrypted my file system by geli command and
> sure that is done correctly because when i install base and kernel on
> it, freebsd start up successfully.
> problem is here: when i restore my dump files and restart my freebsd,
> boot PXE menu is shown and i select my freebsd but after that, the
> error message "invalid format" occurs and i see this message:
>  >> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
>      Default: 0:ad(0,a)/boot/loader
>      boot:
> it selects the default kernel correctly and after some seconds an
> error message is shown which consists of some hardware addresses.
> i don't know how to fix it.
> any hints that might fix my problem are appreciated.

You could try to let us know what kind of error message you
get (i.e. the exact wording). ;-)

My guess (out of the blue) is that kernel and modules are
now out of sync. This happens when you restore the modules
from backup but use a newer kernel (or vice-versa).

If you restore stuff from backup, make sure you don't restore
anything under your freshly (re-)installed /boot. Or make sure
you restore *everything* into /boot, and not just some parts
of it. /boot has to be consistent; either everything from the new
install, or everything from the backup up install, but not a
mix of both.

As others pointed out, you need to provide more detailed
infos about your backup and restore procedure. It it impossible
to guess correctly what you have done otherwise.


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