I installed an additional disk in a machine and expanded the space allocated to /var.
I run this desktop with XFree86 and GDM.
root can logon without complaints but if a non--superuser tries to logon, the session fails immediately.
The following appears in .xsession-errors. I'm concluding I did something wrong when I moved /var but I'm not sure where to start with this.
TIA for any help.

/usr/X11R6/etc/gdm/PreSession//Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp
/usr/X11R6/etc/gdm/PreSession//Default: running: sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u 
/var/run/utmp -x "/usr/X11R6/share/gnome/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l :0 Tom
You can permanently set environment variables for your shell by putting them
in a startup file for the shell.  The name of the startup file varies
depending on the shell - csh and tcsh uses .login, bash, sh, ksh and zsh use
.profile.  When using bash, sh, ksh or zsh, don't forget to export the
mkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied
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