I meant, is it now possible to have >2TB FS with UFS?
UFS2 is here since IMHO year 2005.
Now the only problem is fsck time.
actually IMHO fsck can be improved a lot but someone must have time and
will to do this. if parallelism would be exploited on gstripe type(*)
volumes then it should take less than 30 minutes no matter how large the volume
Anyway - even with UFS which is the most fault-resilent filesystem i know
- i would not recommend creating gstripe type volumes taking too many
disks for the reason i already explained.
For now softupdates+journal is fine, you actually have to do full fsck now
and then, but at spare time.
*) gstripe type means gstripe, gstripe+gmirror, graid5, graid5+gstripe,
hardware matrix controller with any type of RAID configuration.
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