On 6/6/12 7:23 PM, Robert Bonomi wrote:
> "Julian H. Stacey" <j...@berklix.com> wrote:
>>> I do wonder about that. What incentive does the possesor of a signing key 
>>> have to keep it secret? 
>> Contract penalty clause maybe ? Lawyers ?
> Contract with _whom_?  The party you pay money to -- Verisign -- simply
> certifies that the party buying the certificate/signing-key  -is- who they 
> claim to be.
> It is *entirely* up to the owner of that certificate/signing-key -who- they
> allow to use it.
> If someone/anyone attempts to 'revoke' that certificate/key _other_ than
> at the request of the owner of that certificate/key, *THAT* party is subject
> to legal sanctions.  Among other things, 'false persona', 'tortuous inter-
> ference in a business relationship', just to name a few.
> There is, however, an 'interesting' legal question -- *if* a party were to
> let 'anybody' use their certificate/key, what is the certificat/key owner's
> legal liability if someone uses that key to sign malware?

Standard contract writeup stipulates that only a limited set of
'authorized' company representatives be given access to the Signing Key.

If the key should be divulged, then the key may be revoked by the issuer.
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