I have a FreeBSD 8.2-REALEASE-p5 system that is running as a Squid proxy server, after some complaints for internet performance I logged into the system to take a look, and discovered the flowcleaner process is consuming 100% on one CPU. I did some searching, and have discovered that there have been some bugs in the past with this, and found the flowing command listed as a work around.

sysctl net.inet.flowtable.enable=0

I tried this, but there was no change, is this something that has to be done in the sysctl.conf configuration file that doesn't take effect until a reboot? Or is there a process I can restart that will at least temporarily resolve this issue without completely interrupting internet traffic for a few hundred users?

last pid: 51636; load averages: 1.03, 1.10, 1.09 up 50+02:41:37 10:35:09
89 processes:  4 running, 71 sleeping, 14 waiting
CPU:  0.4% user,  0.0% nice, 49.7% system,  0.6% interrupt, 49.3% idle
Mem: 722M Active, 765M Inact, 415M Wired, 24M Cache, 213M Buf, 47M Free
Swap: 4061M Total, 212K Used, 4061M Free

PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU COMMAND 11 root 2 171 ki31 0K 32K RUN 0 2019.8 100.00% idle 19 root 1 76 - 0K 16K CPU0 0 349.3H 100.00% flowcleaner 58759 squid 1 45 0 626M 594M select 0 683:15 2.98% squid 0 root 7 8 0 0K 96K - 1 1510.7 0.00% kernel
   12 root       14 -60    -     0K   224K WAIT    1 362:54  0.00% intr
17 root 1 44 - 0K 16K syncer 1 61:43 0.00% syncer 1095 root 1 44 0 96672K 75432K select 1 36:11 0.00% vmtoolsd 13 root 1 -16 - 0K 16K - 1 16:10 0.00% yarrow

 Dean E. Weimer
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