Nikola Pavlović nzp at > If you did it the normal way Please define normal.
As per the way you do it? Surely that's not what you mean right? As per the handbook? As per the man pages? As per the way I usually do it? I'm new here so I don't have a normal way other than spending hours reading documentation ... and telling myself that everything that goes wrong is probably my fault. That's my normal way when I'm using new software. That's also my normal way when I'm familiar with something. Please tell me if that methodology is not as good as yours ... > with bsdinstall then I guess everything > would install correctly. I guess that also. Please read man sysinstall for me and point out why I should be guessing whether or not system utilities are intended to function as described. Replies to the list are fine. > But anyway, you can use the other methods > mentioned in the handbook. ... and anyway, if cp(1) fails I can use dump(8) instead. Problem solved. > Doing it with > # portsnap fetch extract > seems the most straight forward way to me. Sysinstall seems the most straight forward way to me. It might be of interest to you that after spending an hour or so with sysinstall I proceeded to spend an hour or so with portsnap before it appeared to work. My undocumented experience with it and what you apparently consider are normal and/or straight forward, seem, under the circumstances, of no import. If you want to espouse an opposing view without explanation or ridicule my methodology, knock yourself out but please do it like I'm your friend. A simple "use portsnap you clown" probably would have done it for me and put a smile on my face. In my experience that's the "normal" and "most straight forward" way someone who respects me might approach this ... Best wishes. _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""