2012/2/23 Al Hadith <allne...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> My name is Roy Mathew. I am new to FreeBSD. I had a look at the history of
> your operating system.
> I suggest to everyone of you that you recommend to change/replace the
> unnecessary picture right in front of your website.
> The reasons you all have done hard-work and has become successful (big
> companies use ur project). In that case, this is not the symbol that you
> should be keeping in front of your website neither anywhere in your
> website.
> Please visit http://www.freebsd.org/ to see the logo and the picture, both
> of which I strongly recommend that you remove.
> I am highly educated and qualified.
Hi  Al Hadith (alias Roy Mathew),

What is it in particular that you don't like about the logo and the picture?

Best regards,
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