Hello list,

I'm trying to build perl5.12 in a jail running on 8.2-STABLE, to
ultimately build php5.

I'm getting the following error:

Running Mkbootstrap for threads::shared ()
chmod 644 shared.bs
rm -f ../../lib/auto/threads/shared/shared.so
cc  -shared  -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector shared.o  -o
chmod 755 ../../lib/auto/threads/shared/shared.so
cp shared.bs ../../lib/auto/threads/shared/shared.bs
chmod 644 ../../lib/auto/threads/shared/shared.bs
./perl -f -Ilib pod/buildtoc --build-toc -q
./miniperl -Ilib minimod.pl > lib/ExtUtils/Miniperl.pm
cd x2p;
make s2p
"makefile", line 163: Need an operator
"makefile", line 166: Need an operator
No closing parenthesis in archive specification

There are a LOT MORE of these:
"makefile", line XXX: Need an operator

See the pastebin below for the full list:

I've also tried perl5.10 and am getting the same errors:
written lib/Config.pod
updated lib/Config.pm
updated lib/Config_heavy.pl
./miniperl -Ilib lib/lib_pm.PL
Extracting lib.pm (with variable substitutions)
        AutoSplitting perl library
./miniperl -Ilib -MAutoSplit -MFile::Find -e 'find ({no_chdir=>1, wanted
=> sub {autosplit_lib_modules($_) if /\.pm$/}}, "lib")'
make lib/re.pm
"makefile", line 1050: Need an operator
"makefile", line 1053: Need an operator

The jail's world was built and installed yesterday, although I can't
really tell when I last csup'd, possibly last week.

The config for perl5.12 is:

These are the mounts, seen from the host:
data/jail on /data/jail (zfs, local, nfsv4acls)
/data/jail/j/mroot on /data/jail/j/nanaya (nullfs, local, read-only)
/data/jail/js/nanaya on /data/jail/j/nanaya/s (nullfs, local)

The mount seen from the jail:
/data/jail/j/mroot on / (nullfs, local, read-only)

Anyone ever run into this kind of problem ?

I have to say I followed the procedure from the handbook regarding
having 1 "template" readonly jail with the world, and separate jails
with readwrite portions (etc, ports build...).

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