Hello all.

I have been reading in detail all your comments and advice.

Thank you very much for your time. I have clear vision now of what do I need to do.

I comment today to my students the help we were getting and all of them send you a BIG "THANK YOU VERY MUCH" comment. I hope that wieth your help and comments I could help them more.

Thanks again to all.

Have a nice day/night.

Jorge Biquez

At 06:23 p.m. 07/02/2012, C. P. Ghost wrote:
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Waitman Gobble <gobble...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2012 6:13 PM, "C. P. Ghost" <cpgh...@cordula.ws> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:37 PM, Jorge Biquez <jbiq...@intranet.com.mx>
>> wrote:
>> > Now we will try to have a graphical mode in Freebsd. With that we would
>> > like
>> > to be able to develop graphical applications for Windows (we all know
>> > that's
>> > the market and here some companies is what they are looking), so maybe
>> > sound
>> > crazy but I am looking to develop applications for Windows without using
>> > WIndows or Microsofot products at least.
>> Go for Qt. It is a great cross-platform C++ GUI framework, with plugins to
>> SQL
>> databases, networking and everything you would typically need. There's
>> even
>> PyQt, if you want Python bindings.
>> Check out the examples in the Qt distribution too to get an idea:
>> http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/all-examples.html
> I agree Qt is a great solution however you are probably going to want to
> ship static binaries to windows clients (only), especially to non-techical
> end users... otherwise it gets kind of insane, much more challenging than
> distributing java based apps IMHO.
> But the IDE is fantastic plus you get a nice integration with webkit.
> if I remember (been awhile) the license terms are a little different for
> static, would have to re-read carefully.

I don't know about licensing issues w.r.t. static binaries; but you're
absolutely right: it's definitely worth looking into.

Another cross-platform GUI is wxWidgets (C++, but has Python
bindings too). It's not as rich a library as Qt IMHO, but quite nice
too. You may want to combine wxWidgets with Poco though (all
of this is in ports, btw).


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