Victor Sudakov wrote:
Hello portmaster users,

If portaudit shows that some installed packages have vulnerabilities,
what do you usually do?

Greatly depend on where am I. All my systems are staying up-to-date whereas when I'm visiting someones system I prefer to update only required pieces of software. Anyway if you tell portmaster to update port x it would try to update all ports it depends on.

Do you upgrade only the vulnerable packages, or vulnerable packages
and dependent packages (portmaster -r), or perhaps all packages
(portmaster -a)? Or do you "pkg_delete -a" all packages first and then
reinstall from scratch (from `portmaster --list-origins` perhaps)?

I am a bit uneasy about "portmaster -a" because, for example, in the
output below it intends to install a package which is already

pg01-sibptus# portmaster -n -a
===>>>  Gathering distinfo list for installed ports

        Upgrade php5-ldap-5.3.5_1 to php5-ldap-5.3.9
        Install net/openldap24-sasl-client
        Upgrade postgresql-server-9.0.1 to postgresql-server-9.0.6_3
        Upgrade tcl-8.5.9 to tcl-8.5.11
        Upgrade vim-7.3.81 to vim-7.3.121
        Install devel/gettext

===>>>  Proceed? y/n [y] n

===>>>  If you would like to upgrade or install some, but not
        all of the above try adding '-i' to the command line.
pg01-sibptus# pkg_info -xo openldap
Information for openldap-sasl-client-2.4.24:


As far as I recall there was some glitches with correct detection of openldap24-client presence (some symbols moving around or so). Generally I never pay attention to this glitches and when (or if) update process fails I try to recompile mentioned port with portmaster. Then update process can be continued with `portmaster -a`.

The better way of debugging such problems for me is pkg_libchk from sysutils/bsdadminscripts.

Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow.
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