On 17/01/2012 13:06, Paul Macdonald wrote:
> I've noticed that updates on the US cvs site do not seem to been getting
> synced to the UK mirrors for the past (2) days.
> In fact i'm seeing no deltas off the uk servers.
> Changing to the US server pulls in all the ports tree updates fine..
> sometimes there's a delay obv, but its rarely this long?

Yes -- I noticed this on Sunday night.  I raised the problem on
freebsd-hubs@ and various other people have been notified, but no fix
just yet.  As all of cvsup{1,2,3}.uk.freebsd.org are the same machine
somewhere in Cambridge, I've been using cvsup.fr.freebsd.org temporarily[*].



[*] I can nearly see France from where I'm sitting.

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey     Ramsgate
JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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