On 1/4/2012 7:17 AM, Daniel Lewis wrote:
> Im running Free BSD 8.2 and was wondering whats a good web browser for
> version 8.2?

I saw about 10 replies to your question already, but I haven't really
read them. I'm pretty sure a good portion of them, are going to say
basically "It depends on what you like" and some are probably going to
tell you how to install whatever browser they like personally.

You say you're new to Unix in general, so with that in mind, I'd
personally recommend something that's Cross Platform, something that you
can run on basically any Operating System, be it Windows, Linux, or
Unix, which helps narrow down the sheer number of Browsers available to

FreeBSD has quite a few Browsers you can use, and I know it's probably a
little daunting for someone totally new to the Unix World to try and
pick one or two.

I'm going to give you some advice that I think may help you not only
now, but also down the road; I don't know what OS you were using before
you started using FreeBSD, but most likely, it was either Windows or
MacOS, since those are like the most common OSs on the Planet in terms
of Desktops.

One of the main things I do when I'm helping someone out, if they have
never used Unix or Linux before, and they're used to Windows, and how
Microsoft does things, is I try and help them to understand that in
Unix, and Linux as well, you may want to spend a little time installing
multiple variants of any given type of Application.

What I mean by this, is that in Windows, a lot of people who buy a
Computer, buy one from whatever place, and get this thing with Windows
pre-installed, and then, they have Internet Explorer on it, so they sort
of grow accustomed to choices being made FOR them.

Well in Unix and Linux, you basically have a choice in everything you
do. For example; In Windows, you probably had Internet Explorer, and you
may have downloaded Firefox, since it's gotten VERY popular over the
last few years.

It's also grown in bloat in my opinion, and I no longer use it because
the hardware needed to run it, is getting worse than some OSs.

Anyway, to answer your question about which browser, you should pick one
that you can use on ANY platform, since this is one way that you can get
comfortable with it no matter what OS you happen to be using, and then,
you'll be able to use it no matter what you're on.

I for example, use Opera the most. We have a bunch of Computers here in
my House, but personally, I only have one Windows Partition out of all
of them, which runs Windows 7. I use Opera and Seamonkey in Windows,
because as I said, I don't like Firefox, and I'm sure not going to use IE.

I also downloaded Safari to give it a fair try, and it's OK, but I have
grown to REALLY Love Opera. You can use Opera on basically every OS,
including Phones, and even the Nintendo Wii.

Opera is fast, stable, has a lot of cool widgets you can add to it, and
it has a very nice built in Email client, which will solve another issue
you may ask next :)

So, personally, I'd say do this:

Grab Opera, and Seamonkey. Seamonkey is a lot like Firefox, but it's no
where near as bloated and slow. So it's kind of a nice combo Web Browser
and Email Client Application all in one.

But again, I personally recommend you use Opera. I have Opera installed
on my Windows Partition, on my Nintendo Wii, Cell Phone, PC-BSD machine,
and all my Linux Machines.

Opera is starting to become the NetBSD of Browsers lol. It works on like

> Where and how would we install it? ( Im really new to unix)

Again, you have a choice here. You can install it by doing this as root:

pkg_add -r opera

Or, you can do this:

cd /usr/ports/www/opera
make install clean

It's basically up to you. That's one of the things I've found to be the
hardest for people new to Unix to understand when they come over from
Windows, is that you have choice in basically everything you do.

I help out a lot in my area with people who need Computer help, and if
they're getting into Unix for the first time, I help them out as much as
I can, and one day I could be installing Slackware for someone who wants
a simple clean desktop or Server, or, I could be installing BSD, or
helping someone understand that they REALLY can use ANY text editor they
wish for EVERYTHING they do lol. (You'd be surprised how many people are
so used to having to use whatever Text Editor Microsoft forces them to
use for whatever task they need it for lol). But yea, before I go on and
make you read a book worth of text, I'll just say simply:

It's up to you! You now have a choice in everything you do, and a choice
in how you do it!

Also, if you're using this for the very first time, you may want to
check out a few things:


^That's the FreeBSD Mall. It's a WONDERFUL place to buy things related
to FreeBSD and PC-BSD, and I HIGHLY recommend you go there and check out
the Books Section.

On the right hand side, you'll see a section called "Books and
Magazines" and basically, go there, scroll down, and have a look. I'd
recommend you buy "The Complete FreeBSD" if you can afford to, and,
also, if you can, maybe think about buying a few other books.

It'll help you out in the long run. The Complete FreeBSD is one of my
personal favorites, and I own the 3rd and 4th edition, but also, Greg
has Released the book for free. I don't have the link on hand right now,
but I'm sure someone else on here can reply to this and help you out and
point you in the right direction to get that so you can read it.

The other books there, are also good. I have a complete Library of BSD
books, and the ONLY book there that I don't personally own, is "The best
of FreeBSD Basics" and that's only because I've been broke like Windows
NT for the last few months.

But I do recommend buying a book or two if you can afford to do so. If
you can't really afford it right now though, don't worry; You have the
FreeBSD web site, which has a GREAT documentation section you can read
through for free, and you have FreeBSD documentation installed on your
system already, so you're already packing some info.

And of course, you have the whole community to help you and point you in
the right direction when you can't seem to figure something out, if that
ever happens.

> Thanks,
> Daniel Lewis

Hope this helps,

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