"Thomas Mueller" <mueller6...@bellsouth.net> writes:

> > What is the role of "options atapicam" and "device ATA_CAM" in kernel 
> > config file?

> > Are they redundant?  Kernel will build with both these options, but will it 
> > make things go awry?  Is ATA_CAM deprecated?
Lowell Gilbert <freebsd-questions-lo...@be-well.ilk.org> responds:

> As far as I can see, ATA_CAM isn't currently documented.
> Just ignore it.

So I can say good riddance to ATA_CAM.  According to burncd man page, ATA_CAM 
is incompatible with burncd, also burncd was deprecated in FreeBSD 9.0.
> > I am trying to burn a CD (or DVD) on a SATA DVD-RW drive, but cdrtools 
> > don't work.

> > Also, how do I build and install a kernel to some name other than 
> > /boot/kernel, and not build all modules in duplicate?
> >
> > I might want to try kernels with some differences in options, but with the 
> > same modules.

> > NetBSD and Linux make it easy to choose a non-default name for the kernel, 
> > so I can have multiple kernels and choose one at boot.
> The usual way is to have a separate config file for each, although you
> can come up with other ways if you feel like being clever.  The config
> files support an include functionality, so working through the files is
> pretty easy.

I would likely keep separate config files, especially when disk space is 
abundant as on a 3 TB hard drive.
> As for leaving out modules, there are a number of options documented for
> make.conf(5) and src.conf(5) that give you various kinds of control.
> > In Linux, beginning with kernels 2.6.*, cdrtools work without the ATA-SCSI 
> > dance.
> You don't say what version of FreeBSD you're on. I'm still using
> RELENG_8, so I may be missing some choices for later versions, where I
> understand that the CAM code has been significantly reworked.

I forgot to mention the FreeBSD version: 9.0, now RC2, started with BETA1 on 
this computer.

I have FreeBSD 8.2 on my older computer, ATA, no SATA.  I once burned a CD with 
burncd after NetBSD cdrecord couldn't find the drive.  But I burned other CDs 
with cdrecord in Linux.

I don't want to upgrade FreeBSD on older computer because of shortage of disk 
space and only 256 MB RAM.  Portupgrading everything would be too gruesomely 
slow, in addition to likely running short of disk space.


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