I just got a reply back from a representative from Brother
International. I had inquired about the available of device drivers for
FreeBSD for their products. They currently fully support Windows, Linux
and Debian. He informed me himself that he is a *nix user and
understands my concerns. However, as in any business that intends to
turn a profit they have to cater to known markets. While supporting
*BSD is something they have been considering, they felt that there is
just not enough interest in their products to make it a win-win
situation. He thanked me for my inquiry and told me that if other
FreeBSD users would contact him with requests for drivers suitable for
FreeBSD they would seriously consider it.

Therefore, if anyone is interested in contacting him, this is the
e-mail address: <berard.mclaugh...@brother.com>

Carmel ✌

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