On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 08:23:19AM +0000, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> I too had the problem of "Command not found" after freshly installing 
> something from ports, but I thought that was a peculiarity of FreeBSD 
> 9.0-BETA1 and 2.
> I was going to post this question to freebsd-current list.
> For instance, if I typed "which lynx", it was not found, but was found if I 
> ran
> ls /usr/bin/local/l*
> and it also ran if I typed 
> /usr/bin/local/lynx
> Software freshly installed from ports would be normally accessible after the 
> next reboot.

normally, no reboot required.
In tcsh(1) you have to run "rehash".
Or just lauch another xterm window, 
if in an X session. Of logout and login.
You really shouldn't need to reboot.

Anton Shterenlikht
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