On Wed, September 14, 2011 9:44 am, William Bulley wrote:
> A friend of mine has an IBM T500 Thinkpad which is nearly identical to
> the one I have.  We both have interesting audio issues.  Any ideas as
> to why the problems explained below exist would be greatly appreciated.
> My T500 shows two devices /dev/mixer0 and /dev/mixer1 corresponding to
> pcm0 and pcm1 as displayed by % cat /dev/sndstat in 8.2-PRERELEASE from
> January 2011.  I am able to hear audio on the built-in speakers using
> /dev/mixer1 but not able to hear audio when plugging stereo headphones
> into the green "audio out" jack.  However, the speaker audio is muted
> when the headphones are plugged in.  I have tried two different head
> sets to rule out flawed hardware.
> My friend's T500 is more up-to-date than mine (likely 8.2-STABLE) but
> in his case headphone audio works perfectly and he has had no luck in
> getting audio out of his built-in laptop speakers.  Very weird...
> This situation sucks, but we have not been able to suss out what the
> problem is.  He and I have been running FreeBSD for over a decade, so
> we are not clueless, but this laptop audio weirdness has us stumped.

Quick thought: What versions of the BIOS are each of you running?

Daniel T. Staal

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