On 08/12/11 22:54, Roland Smith wrote:
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 08:44:07PM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:
This file is relatively recent; When I used portsnap yesterday, it wasn't
there, and now it is.
I do a postrmaster on a nearly daily basis. This occured this morning
(German standard time) to me the first time.
I did a portsnap just before my previous mail. It downloaded and extracted the
particular file without problem.
Have you fscked the volume that contains /var? If not I suggest you do. You
might be looking at filesystem corruption.
No I did not. If this is a inconsistent filesystem (I thought about this
also), then it
has occured on ALL(!) FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT/amd64 boxes over night (this i
why I thought about the filesystem, since the FreeBSD 8.2/amd64-boxes do
not show this problem as I mentioned at the start of the post, my mistake).
Another data-point: I'm on 8.2-RELEASE amd64 as well and it doesn't show a
problem. So it could well be a CURRENT specific problem. But I would think
that the filesystem code would be pretty mature by now. Maybe some changes in
I have a FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE/amd64 server at my lab, no problems. My
workstation, my laptop and my box at home are all FreeBSD
9.0-CURRENT/amd64, recent system (r224803) and they have all without
exception this problem.
I'll force a fsck as soon as possible. I started the boxes already and
they didn't show up any unclean filesystem so far ...
Since portsnap cannot find the file in question, I assume you have checked
that it existed and that it was a normal file etc?
Could it be a hardware issue? Some time ago I began to have random filesystem
corruption and lockups. After cleaning out two years worth of dust out of the
machine in question it now runs fine again.
No hardware issue. This hardware issue must have occured on three
different systems the same time. An unlikely coincidence.
I did a complete fsck. No problems with the filesystem.
But the problem remains. Again, I'll delete /var/db/portsnap and if it
doesn't help, I'll also delete /usr/ports ...
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