On Friday 05 August 2011 19:47:17 Chad Perrin wrote: > On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 12:37:30PM -0500, Gary Gatten wrote: > > If I find someone with an IQ of 160+ and they ask everyone to play > > nice, will you? Mine is only 140 something so I don't feel qualified > > to take this task on myself. It would be nice though if someone took > > such offense to a post they would simply ignore it or contact OP > > offline. Seem 50% of the content here is b!itching. Now sometimes, > > and perhaps most times, it serves as a source of entertainment for me. > > Others it's just annoying - such as now. With all this brain power > > and apparently spare time, can anyone tell me how to get back all the > > money I've lost in the market over the last 3 years? Or, perhaps in > > the last 3 days? I would like some "help" with that! > > Regarding IQ tests . . . there's not much point in comparing > measurements. I've taken half a dozen or so IQ tests over the years. > Among them, all but two have landed between 135 and 168, depending on the > specific test, the scale used, what I had for breakfast that morning, my > mood, the sort of uses to which I've put my brain in the year or two > immediately preceding the test, my age, and numerous other factors. > Those other two tests -- one of them came in under 100, and the other was > off the charts to the tune of "+30 or more, probably a lot more" > according to the guy scoring it. Add to that an SAT score from way back > when the SATs actually measured aptitude and were considered suitable > measures of IQ to qualify people for Mensa membership, with every single > score I've gotten differing notably from all the rest, and the result > seems obvious: Whatever each of you has for an IQ score from some test > years ago, chances are good that if you took a test again you would get a > wildly different result. > > . . . and let's not forget that deficiencies in some areas can drag your > score down, while particular aptitudes can in others can drag it up, > skewing the overall results in a way that might set unrealistic > expectations one way or the other for judging general intelligence. Good > at spacial relations, but bad at abstract logic? Maybe you'll end up > confusing the hell out of people who think you're brilliant half the time > and rock stupid the other half. > > As for your money lost to the market, you're going to have a tough time > getting someone to tell you a foolproof way to get it back that does not > involve time travel. If I had a pretty clear view of your investment > patterns over the years that led to these losses, though, I could > probably give you some halfway decent advice to avoid taking similar > losses in the future. Unfortunately, it's much more difficult to predict > future (safe) money-makers than to point out where someone is just > gambling with market trends that represent aberrations rather than the > consistent positive growth that they think it really represents, with a > basic grasp of some driving economic principles. > > In general, my first piece of advice would be that you should never > invest in something whose success you do not actually understand at the > level of microeconomic principles. Next, consider the political > landscape that might skew the effect of those principles. > > . . . and if you can do that, you should also be able to develop a pretty > good intuition for dealing with security threats for your FreeBSD > systems, because a lot of those threats are essentially the result of > economic and political circumstances inspiring people to act according to > their natures. > > Voila. By a long and circuitous route, I brought it back to the subject > of FreeBSD. Do I get a cookie?
Yeah, Chad! and crispy one indeed. This IQ thing is really boring. Luckily, I never had to take an IQ test but I know that some people who took them didn't have an option. It was either it or the job. But actually, I'm not even curious about it. It is much more appealing to me to spend time studying and learning new things about FreeBSD for instance, than to spend time, as short as it may be, trying to find out how big my brain d**k is. A lazy bum with an IQ of 2000 is worthless while an energetic jack ass with an IQ of -100 at least can be used to pull a chariot or something. IQ tests can't point out character and diligence. Psychological profiles may do that but that's for another troll. -- Mario Lobo http://www.mallavoodoo.com.br FreeBSD since 2.2.8 [not Pro-Audio.... YET!!] (99% winblows FREE) _______________________________________________ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"