On Thu, 21 Jul 2011, per...@pluto.rain.com wrote:

Lars Eighner <luvbeas...@larseighner.com> wrote:

I've come to the conclusion that I need sio to be able to use 8.x.

Can it be as simple as just dropping the code from 7.x into the
source for 8.x and adding a line to the kernel configuration?

Or would this be fraught with all kinds of deep traps?

sio(4) was replaced by uart(4) as part of the Giant retirement.
Depending on what you need that uart(4) does not currently have,
it might be easier to improve uart(4) than to resurrect sio(4).

In the meantime I actually answered my own question. sio is in the source
code for 8.2 (or at least it was not deleted by cvsup).  It certainly
appears that it is only necessary to add device sio to the kernel
configuration.  I have not actually compiled it yet.  I think I might have
to remove uart to keep it from grabbing the COMM devices.

uart cannot properly identify the only internal hardware dial-up modem still
obtainable (and incorrectly identifies its chip) --- the one we all had to
buy to run FreeBSD.  Whether its inability to handle dial-up PPP on demand
is the fault of the new TTY set up (as some have suggested) can only really
be determined by seeing if sio can function in the same environment, but
that uart authors overlooked a piece of hardware required for years in
FreeBSD sort of suggests that perhaps they overlooked other things.

Lars Eighner
8800 N IH35 APT 1191 AUSTIN TX 78753-5266

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