On 19 Jul 2011, at 08:15, Frank Bonnet <f.bon...@esiee.fr> wrote:

> Wow wow !!! I did not want to start a flame war with my post ...
> Things for me are clear :
> In France it's illegal and I have my boss's instruction :
> - find and delete the files that's all.

Bon courage then...

A file can not be illegal per se, so you won't be able to detect these by 
looking up names or contents.

Even then, if a file is labeled as personal, privacy protection applies and it 
is *unlawful* for you to process it.
(That is in the same way that your employer is strictly forbidden from peeking 
inside your email messages clearly labeled as personal, even if they were 
received on your work mailbox.)

You may however force the user to delete it as it's got nothing to do on a work 
file server and is possibly forbidden  by your IT policy.
You may also delete it yourself in accordance with your TOS / IT policy but you 
should exercise this with care and get a written request from your boss 

You may want to look for files that are unusually large.
They could possibly be ISOs, dvdrips, HD movie dumps...

Note that, again, just because a file exists and is a certain type doesn't make 
them illegal.
I myself have several ISOs at work including dumps of our windows XP CDs, win7 
upgrade disks, and specialised lawyer software.

We have the same problem here with users sharing movies on the file servers, 
and what makes it worse is some of their movie files are legit because they're, 
for example, official trailers that are reworked and redistributed to our 

You won't win this, tell your boss it can not be done.

Out of curiosity what kind of copyright infringement notice did you guys 
receive ?
Are the files served to the public 
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