On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 00:05:27 -0500, Ryan Coleman wrote:
> Go to hell. He wants to rename the files that are illegal
> to ones that aren't.

It's not the file names that matter, it's the content.

Just assume that students at a university use a file server
to store pr0n although the terms of use prohibit doing so,
in one way or another. Then a clever student renames a 650 MB
movie to "My new essay 1.Doc". Although the file name does
not look suspicious, the content is still illegal.

With "illegal" in this context, a violation of the terms of
use is meant. It doesn't neccessarily imply any copyright
infingement, illegal copy, pirated copy or the like.

Of course, if a student illegally downloads music and then
names the tracks "My holiday 1.Jpeg", "My holiday 2.Jpeg",
"My holiday 3.Jpeg" and so on - the files being MP3 files
he pirated from somewhere - then you would in most countries
definitely have a case as you described.

But after all, it depends on country-specific laws on what's
considered illegal in _whatever_ context.

> That's circumventing copyright law and would land him or her
> in jail. This topic, based solely on ethics, should not be
> discussed as any suggestions that this is LEGAL to do supports
> copyright violations.

I think the question indicates the OP's struggle _against_
such actions.

> I would record those names and DELETE them but only if the TOS
> supports it.

In most cases, TOS include certain permissions for IT operations
staff to "maintain system healthcare" which traditionally includes
a certain surveillance of user activity and file contents.

> If it does not, then you get the DCMA notice and handle it
> accordingly from the copyright holder.

Applies to the U.S. only, correct?

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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