On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 05:54:26PM +0000, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> Anton,
> This is what I mean.  For regular things, TeTeX is fine, but for
> bigger projects one can't do without texlive.  I encountered the same
> problems with default tetex, but installed TeXLive from DVD and I no
> longer have these problems :)
> But like Roland says, some ports depend on teTeX still and this is
> where I hope that developers find ways around them :)  It took me a
> while to build evince, gnuplot and other math related ports without
> teTeX port.
> Regards,
> Antonio

What I did was install TeXLive but keep my teTeX installation. My
$PATH is such that TeXLive binaries are picked up first but the teTeX
installation satisfies those ports that depend on it.




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