Quoth freebsd-questi...@herveybayaustralia.com.au on Thursday, 14 July 2011:
>       Sorry, I hate to come to the list with such a stupid question. I
> followed up a thread from a couple of months ago regarding this
> chipset which is not fully supported yet- hardware resetting errors-
> and I'm trying to work out how to build this driver from head.
> Unfortunately, when I run the cvs commands suggested it can't seem to
> find it, and I'm wondering exactly what I'm missing.
>       Network drops all the time, and won't handle any load, so assuming I
> only have amd64-8.2 base system utilities:
>       CVSROOT=pserver:anon...@anoncvs.tw.freebsd.org:/home/ncvs
>       cvs login
>       cvs co ath
>       cvs co ath_pci
>       And downloading modules list doesn't show ath, if_ath, ath_pci, or
> anything with ath in it that is remotely related.
>       As I understand it, cvs should be pulling from head by default right?
> So what am I missing? Or alternatively, how do I fix this wifi card-
> rebooting every time it drops is a PITA! :)
>       Cheers
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FWIW my ath 9285 is working fine on 8.2-STABLE.

.O. | Sterling (Chip) Camden      | http://camdensoftware.com
..O | sterl...@camdensoftware.com | http://chipsquips.com
OOO | 2048R/D6DBAF91              | http://chipstips.com

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